
Archive for the ‘Addictions’ Category

by Holly C. Berman, EAMP, MSOM
Everyone knows and loves amethyst, a purple variety of quartz.  The word “amethyst” comesAmethyst necklace from the Greek word “amethystus,” which means not drunk or intoxicated. Amethyst’s many uses include sobriety, calming the mind and enhancing psychic ability. It is associated with the third eye and crown chakras and can be used as a meditation and sleep aid, to calm anxiety and for emotional stability and strength, addiction and protection on both the physical and psychic planes.  Amethyst promotes peacefulness, patience, happiness and contentment. Amethyst deposits are found all over the world, including many of the United States, Ontario, Canada, Brazil, Uruguay, Russia, South Korea, Austria, and Zambia, in southern Africa.

holly_berman_fertility acupuncturist in Seattle WA

Holly is an acupuncturist at Glow Natural Health and Seattle Fertility Acupuncture. She has traveled and worked with people from all over the world and has explored natural healing techniques from several different cultures.  In her free time, Holly enjoys practicing yoga, cooking, hiking, biking, sea kayaking, board games and travelling.

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We take the idea of cleansing and reinterpret it through the lens of East Asian medicine. Elemental DetoxIt’s called Elemental because it’s basic yet essential. Change your diet and your eating habits and enjoy better health. This 3 week, food based cleanse, is an opportunity to transform your body, habits and health. It supports your needs for individualized, optimal wellness.

Why Detox?

Traditional Medicine has a history of cleansing as a path toward greater health. Our environment and diets have become more and more polluted and un-natural. Processed foods, environmental toxins, and hormones in our meats are just a few things that place a heavy burden on our body. Our pathways of elimination including our digestion, liver, skin, and urination can become sluggish and less efficient in ridding our bodies of toxins. This can in turn affect a variety of things including hormones, reproductive health, mental health, allergies, digestion, skin and musculoskeletal (pain) complaints. A cleanse gives the body a break from additional stressors coming in and allows it to process and eliminate stored up toxins. The results can be incredible.

The beauty of East Asian medicine is that it is always evolving. It’s a system that can adapt to new information, adjust, and add value. When this medicine was first created there was not the level of toxicity and stress that we face every day in modern society. But now there is. Looking at the modern client it is easy to see that their systems are overwhelmed. They also often have combination patterns from an East Asian Medical view. Meaning, for example, they may be deficient (frequently cold, pale, and low energy) but also excessive (sluggish digestion, irritable, with headaches.) This situation lends itself well to treatment though the Elemental Detox.

Habitual Choices vs. Conscious Choices

This program allows you to get down to basics and align your body, mind, and spirit. It takes 3 weeks to begin a new habit. The goal is to give the body and mind a reset button. It can provide a fresh start and a clean slate that can make other aspects of treatment with acupuncture and herbs more effective. It takes commitment, but countless patients have done it and succeeded with great results.

The plan includes coaching  with Lindsey Lawson MS EAMP (billable to insurance for those with acupuncture coverage), supplements, recipe packet, and daily health recommendations.

Lindsey Lawson Acupuncture in Seattle WALindsey Lawson MS EAMP is an Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist and Clinic Director at Glow Natural Health and Seattle Fertility Acupuncturist. She is passionate about healthy , happy living and a regular blogger. For an appointment call Glow at 206 568 7545.

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Ear acupuncture is often used for detoxification, addiction and anxiety. It provides a deeply relaxed and energized feeling and can help reset the body.

A brief history of the 5 needle protocol

According to the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA)  Dr H.L Wen, a neurosurgeon in Hong Kong, was the first to report successful treatment of addiction withdrawal symptoms with acupuncture in 1973. He observed that opiate users who had undergone surgery and received acupuncture for post operative pain relief experienced few withdrawal symptoms.


The National Acupuncture Detoxification Alliance has done extensive research on auricular therapy and detoxification from drug use. They have formulated a five needle protocol that has become a mainstay in detox centers around the world. A study done at Yale University notes that auricular acupuncture promotes the body to detoxify rapidly without side effects and has the added benefit of lowering anxiety levels. The following ear chart shows some of the most commonly needled points.ear acupuncture chart


How does it work?

It has been demonstrated that acupuncture stimulates the production of endorphins. Over the course of several treatments natural opiates are produced as well. Both of these chemicals are “feel good” chemicals in the body making them an effective treatment for addiction.

Metabolism is stimulated to shorten the duration of symptoms associated with toxins. Function of the liver and kidneys is improved, and circulation is increased.

Acupuncture eases the discomfort of any symptoms associated with detoxification as well as increases the speed an effectiveness of the overall detox.

For more information visit NADA’s website at http://www.acupuncture.net.au/2005/07/23/nada-ear-acupuncture-for-addiction/

 Ready for your detox? Plan your acupuncture sessions now to prevent any initial unwanted side effects including the following.



-Skin problems

-Sleep disturbances


Acupuncture helps curb these unpleasant side effects, shortening their intensity and duration. It also decreases cravings and prevents relapses to addictive substances like refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and nicotine. Chinese medicine not only clears the excess pollutants, but strengthens the underlying body systems. It improves general health, builds the immune system and increases energy. We will be using a simple but effective five needle protocol done on the ears.


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